Output Area at TQ245942: Living arrangements
Location Type: Output Areas, ONS Geographic Code: E00001370
Key Facts
All Residents |
320 |
Male |
154 |
Female |
166 |
Households |
125 |
Population Density (people/km2) |
594.1 |
Postcodes Covered
N20 8AE
N20 8AH
N20 8AJ
N20 8AL
N20 8AU
N20 8AX
N20 8BA
N20 8JN
N20 8JP
N20 8PA
N20 8PN
N20 8PP
N20 8PR
N20 8PS
N20 8PT
N20 8PU
N20 8PX
Table Code | ts010 |
Issued | 2022-12-15 |
Unit of Measure | Person |
Number of Response Options | 11 |