Output Area at TQ232851: Number of disabled people in the household
Location Type: Output Areas, ONS Geographic Code: E00002709
Key Facts
All Residents
Population Density (people/km2)
Postcodes Covered
Related Census Areas
Overlaps with
No equivalent overlapping areas found
No contained areas found
ts001: Demography and migration: Number of usual residents in households and communal establishments
ts002: Demography and migration: Legal partnership status
ts003: Demography and migration: Household composition
ts004: Demography and migration: Country of birth
ts005: Demography and migration: Passports held
ts007a: Demography and migration: Age by grouped years
ts008: Demography and migration: Sex
ts010: Demography and migration: Living arrangements
ts011: Demography and migration: Households by deprivation dimensions
ts015: Demography and migration: Year of arrival in UK
ts016: Demography and migration: Length of residence
ts017: Demography and migration: Household size
ts018: Demography and migration: Age of arrival in the UK
ts019: Demography and migration: Migrant Indicator
ts020: Demography and migration: Number of non-UK short-term residents by sex
ts041: Demography and migration: Number of Households
ts067: Education: Highest level of qualification
ts068: Education: Schoolchildren and full-time students
ts021: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Ethnic group
ts023: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Multiple ethnic group
ts025: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Household language
ts026: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Multiple main languages in household
ts027: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: National identity - UK
ts029: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Proficiency in English
ts030: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Religion
ts075: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Multi religion households
ts037: Health: General health
ts038: Health: Disability
ts039: Health: Provision of unpaid care
ts040: Health: Number of disabled people in the household
ts044: Housing: Accommodation type
ts045: Housing: Car or van availability
ts046: Housing: Central heating
ts050: Housing: Number of bedrooms
ts051: Housing: Number of rooms
ts052: Housing: Occupancy rating for bedrooms
ts053: Housing: Occupancy rating for rooms
ts054: Housing: Tenure
ts055: Housing: Purpose of second address
ts056: Housing: Second address indicator
ts058: Work and Travel: Distance travelled to work
ts059: Work and Travel: Hours worked
ts061: Work and Travel: Method used to travel to work
ts062: Work and Travel: NS-SeC
ts063: Work and Travel: Occupation
ts065: Work and Travel: Employment history
ts066: Work and Travel: Economic activity status
Table Code ts040
Issued 2023-01-19
Unit of Measure Household
Number of Response Options 4
This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify households in England and Wales by the number of disabled people in the household. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.
The number of people in a household who assessed their day-to-day activities as limited by long-term physical or mental health conditions or illnesses and are considered disabled. This definition of a disabled person meets the harmonised standard for measuring disability and is in line with the Equality Act (2010).
Number of disabled people in household: Total: All households
No people disabled under the Equality Act in household
1 person disabled under the Equality Act in household
2 or more people disabled under the Equality Act in household
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