Output Area at TQ433851: Age by grouped years
Location Type: Output Areas, ONS Geographic Code: E00018044
added to comparison list.
Key Facts
All Residents | 493 |
Male | 228 |
Female | 265 |
Households | 163 |
Population Density (people/km2) | 3,340.1 |
Postcodes Covered
E12 5NG
E12 6JL
E12 6JT
E12 6JU
E12 6LE
Related Census Areas
Is within
Borders with
Overlaps with
No contained areas found
Table Code | ts007a |
Issued | 2022-12-13 |
Unit of Measure | Person |
Number of Response Options | 101 |
This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in England and Wales by age. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.
A person’s age on Census Day, 21 March 2021 in England and Wales. Infants aged under 1 year are classified as 0 years of age.
Quality Statement
Estimates for single year of age between ages 90 and 100+ are less reliable than other ages. Estimation and adjustment at these ages was based on the age range 90+ rather than five-year age bands.
Age: Total | 491 |
Aged 4 years and under | 31 |
Aged 5 to 9 years | 30 |
Aged 10 to 14 years | 49 |
Aged 15 to 19 years | 52 |
Aged 20 to 24 years | 45 |
Aged 25 to 29 years | 25 |
Aged 30 to 34 years | 29 |
Aged 35 to 39 years | 30 |
Aged 40 to 44 years | 52 |
Aged 45 to 49 years | 38 |
Aged 50 to 54 years | 28 |
Aged 55 to 59 years | 31 |
Aged 60 to 64 years | 26 |
Aged 65 to 69 years | 11 |
Aged 70 to 74 years | 6 |
Aged 75 to 79 years | 3 |
Aged 80 to 84 years | 2 |
Aged 85 years and over | 3 |
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