Census Data

Output Area at TQ338811: Year of arrival in UK

Location Type: Output Areas, ONS Geographic Code: E00183893

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Key Facts

All Residents 287
Male 173
Female 116
Households 130
Population Density (people/km2) 4,651.5
Postcodes Covered

E1 8AA
E1 8AJ
E1 8AN
E1 8DA
E1 8DE
E1 8DJ
E1 8DL
E1 8DN
E1 8DS
E1 8DT
E1 8DZ
E1 8EE
E1 8EF
E1 8EU
E1 8EW
E1 8FA
E1 8GZ
E1 8HQ
E1 8QN
E1 8QS
E1 8QT

Table Codets015
Unit of MeasurePerson
Number of Response Options13

This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in England and Wales by their year of arrival in the UK. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.


The year someone not born in the UK last arrived in the UK. This does not include returning from short visits away from the UK.

More information at the ONS website

Year of arrival in the UK: Total: All usual residents 287
Born in the UK 102
Arrived before 1951 0
Arrived 1951 to 1960 0
Arrived 1961 to 1970 0
Arrived 1971 to 1980 4
Arrived 1981 to 1990 4
Arrived 1991 to 2000 7
Arrived 2001 to 2010 18
Arrived 2011 to 2013 8
Arrived 2014 to 2016 22
Arrived 2017 to 2019 65
Arrived 2020 to 2021 57

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censusdata.uk is a Good Stuff website Sat, 08 Feb 2025 09:33:03 +0000