Census Data

Barnet 004C: Age by grouped years

Location Type: Lower layer Super Output Areas, ONS Geographic Code: E01000288

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Key Facts

All Residents 1,548
Male 766
Female 782
Households 566
Population Density (people/km2) 4,587.5
Table Codets007a
Unit of MeasurePerson
Number of Response Options101

This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in England and Wales by age. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.


A person’s age on Census Day, 21 March 2021 in England and Wales. Infants aged under 1 year are classified as 0 years of age.

Quality Statement

Estimates for single year of age between ages 90 and 100+ are less reliable than other ages. Estimation and adjustment at these ages was based on the age range 90+ rather than five-year age bands.

More information at the ONS website

Age: Total 1,551
Aged 4 years and under 76
Aged 5 to 9 years 90
Aged 10 to 14 years 111
Aged 15 to 19 years 93
Aged 20 to 24 years 106
Aged 25 to 29 years 78
Aged 30 to 34 years 87
Aged 35 to 39 years 90
Aged 40 to 44 years 116
Aged 45 to 49 years 118
Aged 50 to 54 years 118
Aged 55 to 59 years 126
Aged 60 to 64 years 94
Aged 65 to 69 years 65
Aged 70 to 74 years 62
Aged 75 to 79 years 61
Aged 80 to 84 years 30
Aged 85 years and over 30

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