Census Data

Dagenham Central: Accommodation type

Location Type: Middle layer Super Output Areas, ONS Geographic Code: E02000014

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Key Facts

All Residents 9,865
Male 4,743
Female 5,122
Households 3,388
Population Density (people/km2) 8,269.8
Table Codets044
Unit of MeasureHousehold
Number of Response Options8

This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify households in England and Wales by accommodation type. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.


The type of building or structure used or available by an individual or household.

This could be:

* the whole house or bungalow
* a flat, maisonette or apartment
* a temporary or mobile structure, such as a caravan

More information about accommodation types

Whole house or bungalow:
This property type is not divided into flats or other living accommodation. There are three types of whole houses or bungalows.

None of the living accommodation is attached to another property but can be attached to a garage.

The living accommodation is joined to another house or bungalow by a common wall that they share.

A mid-terraced house is located between two other houses and shares two common walls. An end-of-terrace house is part of a terraced development but only shares one common wall.

Flats (Apartments) and maisonettes:
An apartment is another word for a flat. A maisonette is a 2-storey flat.

Quality Statement

We have made changes to housing definitions since the 2011 Census. Take care if you compare Census 2021 results for this topic with those from the 2011 Census.

More information at the ONS website

Accommodation type: Total: All households 3,388
Detached 228
Semi-detached 680
Terraced 2,126
In a purpose-built block of flats or tenement 236
Part of a converted or shared house, including bedsits 76
Part of another converted building, for example, former school, church or warehouse 3
In a commercial building, for example, in an office building, hotel or over a shop 36
A caravan or other mobile or temporary structure 3

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censusdata.uk is a Good Stuff website Wed, 12 Feb 2025 17:41:34 +0000