Census Data

North East Lincolnshire: Ethnic group

Location Type: Unitary Authorities, ONS Geographic Code: E06000012

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Key Facts

All Residents 156,966
Male 76,812
Female 80,154
Households 69,826
Population Density (people/km2) 815.0
Table Codets021
Unit of MeasurePerson
Number of Response Options20

This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in England and Wales by ethnic group. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.


The ethnic group that the person completing the census feels they belong to. This could be based on their culture, family background, identity or physical appearance.

Respondents could choose one out of 19 tick-box response categories, including write-in response options.

Ethnic group: Total: All usual residents 156,967
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh 2,437
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Bangladeshi 318
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Chinese 438
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Indian 543
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Pakistani 336
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Other Asian 802
Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African 846
Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: African 644
Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: Caribbean 98
Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: Other Black 104
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups 1,617
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Asian 502
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Black African 306
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Black Caribbean 377
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Other Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups 432
White 151,030
White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British 145,362
White: Irish 320
White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller 65
White: Roma 127
White: Other White 5,156
Other ethnic group 1,037
Other ethnic group: Arab 366
Other ethnic group: Any other ethnic group 671

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