Census Data

Barnet: Living arrangements

Location Type: London Boroughs, ONS Geographic Code: E09000003

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Key Facts

All Residents 389,344
Male 188,545
Female 200,799
Households 148,921
Population Density (people/km2) 4,488.7
Table Codets010
Unit of MeasurePerson
Number of Response Options11

This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16 years and over in households in England and Wales by their living arrangements. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.


The “living arrangements” classification combines responses to the question on marital and civil partnership status with information about whether or not a person is living in a couple. This topic is only applicable to people in households. Living arrangements differs from marital and civil partnership status because cohabiting takes priority over other categories. For example, if a person is divorced and cohabiting, then in results for living arrangements they are classified as cohabiting.

More information at the ONS website

Living arrangements: Total 306,038
Living in a couple 164,065
Living in a couple: Married or in a civil partnership 135,464
Living in a couple: Married or in a civil partnership: Opposite-sex couple 134,688
Living in a couple: Married or in a civil partnership: Same-sex couple 776
Living in a couple: Separated, but still married or in a civil partnership 504
Living in a couple: Cohabiting 28,097
Living in a couple: Cohabiting: Opposite-sex couple 26,403
Living in a couple: Cohabiting: Same-sex couple 1,694
Not living in a couple 141,973
Not living in a couple: Single (never married and never registered a same-sex civil partnership) 94,801
Not living in a couple: Married or in a registered civil partnership 8,622
Not living in a couple: Separated (including those who are married and those who are in civil partnerships) 5,791
Not living in a couple: Divorced or formerly in a civil partnership which is now legally dissolved 18,900
Not living in a couple: Widowed or surviving partner from a civil partnership 13,859

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