Census Data

City and County of the City of London: Method used to travel to work

Location Type: Built Up Areas, ONS Geographic Code: E63004906

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Key Facts

All Residents 8,589
Male 4,717
Female 3,862
Households 4,909

The ONS doesn't publish census data directly for Built Up Areas. The figures on this page are aggregated from census areas contained within City and County of the City of London. They may not, therefore, be precisely accurate. Age-standardised statistics and population density are not available for aggregated datasets.

Table Codets061
Unit of MeasurePerson
Number of Response Options12

This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16 years and over in employment the week before the census in England and Wales by their method used to travel to work (2001 specification). The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.


A person's place of work and their method of travel to work. This is the 2001 method of producing travel to work variables.

"Work mainly from home" applies to someone who indicated their place of work as their home address and travelled to work by driving a car or van, for example visiting clients.

Quality Statement

As Census 2021 was during a unique period of rapid change, take care when using this data for planning purposes.
Read more in our Travel to work quality information for Census 2021 methodology.

Method of travel to workplace: Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over in employment the week before the census 5,358
Work mainly at or from home 3,611
Underground, metro, light rail, tram 346
Train 97
Bus, minibus or coach 134
Taxi 20
Motorcycle, scooter or moped 12
Driving a car or van 123
Passenger in a car or van 12
Bicycle 191
On foot 760
Other method of travel to work 52

These values are calculated by adding up the values for census output areas contained within City and County of the City of London. They may, therefore, be slightly inaccurate due to administrative boundaries not precisely aligning with census boundaries.

Bar chart not showing properly? Data with large numbers of options really needs a wider screen. Try rotating your fondleslab into landscape mode and refreshing the page.

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