Flintshire: Disability
Location Type: Unitary Authorities, ONS Geographic Code: W06000005
Key Facts
All Residents
Population Density (people/km2)
ts001: Demography and migration: Number of usual residents in households and communal establishments
ts002: Demography and migration: Legal partnership status
ts003: Demography and migration: Household composition
ts004: Demography and migration: Country of birth
ts005: Demography and migration: Passports held
ts007: Demography and migration: Age by single year
ts007a: Demography and migration: Age by grouped years
ts008: Demography and migration: Sex
ts009: Demography and migration: Sex by single year of age
ts010: Demography and migration: Living arrangements
ts011: Demography and migration: Households by deprivation dimensions
ts012: Demography and migration: Country of birth (detailed)
ts013: Demography and migration: Passports held (detailed)
ts015: Demography and migration: Year of arrival in UK
ts016: Demography and migration: Length of residence
ts017: Demography and migration: Household size
ts018: Demography and migration: Age of arrival in the UK
ts019: Demography and migration: Migrant Indicator
ts020: Demography and migration: Number of non-UK short-term residents by sex
ts041: Demography and migration: Number of Households
ts067: Education: Highest level of qualification
ts068: Education: Schoolchildren and full-time students
ts021: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Ethnic group
ts022: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Ethnic group (detailed)
ts023: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Multiple ethnic group
ts024: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Main language (detailed)
ts025: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Household language
ts026: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Multiple main languages in household
ts027: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: National identity - UK
ts028: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: National identity (detailed)
ts029: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Proficiency in English
ts030: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Religion
ts031: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Religion (detailed)
ts075: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion: Multi religion households
ts037: Health: General health
ts037asp: Health: General health, age-standardised proportions
ts038: Health: Disability
ts038asp: Health: Disability, age-standardised proportions
ts039: Health: Provision of unpaid care
ts039asp: Health: Provision of unpaid care, age-standardised proportions
ts040: Health: Number of disabled people in the household
ts044: Housing: Accommodation type
ts045: Housing: Car or van availability
ts046: Housing: Central heating
ts047: Housing: Communal establishment residents by age and sex
ts048: Housing: Communal establishment management and type
ts050: Housing: Number of bedrooms
ts051: Housing: Number of rooms
ts052: Housing: Occupancy rating for bedrooms
ts053: Housing: Occupancy rating for rooms
ts054: Housing: Tenure
ts055: Housing: Purpose of second address
ts056: Housing: Second address indicator
ts070: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Gender identity (detailed)
ts077: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Sexual orientation
ts078: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Gender identity
ts079: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Sexual orientation (detailed)
ts071: UK armed forces veterans: Previously served in the UK armed forces
ts072: UK armed forces veterans: Number of people in household who have previously served in UK armed forces
ts073: UK armed forces veterans: Population who have previously served in UK armed forces in communal establishments and in household
ts074: UK armed forces veterans: Household Reference Person indicator of previous service in UK armed forces
ts032: Welsh language in Wales: Welsh language skills (detailed)
ts033: Welsh language in Wales: Welsh language skills (speaking)
ts034: Welsh language in Wales: Welsh language skills (writing)
ts035: Welsh language in Wales: Welsh language skills (reading)
ts036: Welsh language in Wales: Welsh language skills (understanding)
ts076: Welsh language in Wales: Welsh language skills (speaking) by single year of age
ts058: Work and Travel: Distance travelled to work
ts059: Work and Travel: Hours worked
ts060: Work and Travel: Industry
ts061: Work and Travel: Method used to travel to work
ts062: Work and Travel: NS-SeC
ts063: Work and Travel: Occupation
ts064: Work and Travel: Occupation - minor groups
ts065: Work and Travel: Employment history
ts066: Work and Travel: Economic activity status
Table Code ts038
Issued 2023-01-19
Unit of Measure Person
Number of Response Options 5
This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in England and Wales by long-term health problems or disabilities. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.
People who assessed their day-to-day activities as limited by long-term physical or mental health conditions or illnesses are considered disabled. This definition of a disabled person meets the harmonised standard for measuring disability and is in line with the Equality Act (2010).
Disability: Total: All usual residents
Disabled under the Equality Act
Disabled under the Equality Act: Day-to-day activities limited a lot
Disabled under the Equality Act: Day-to-day activities limited a little
Not disabled under the Equality Act
Not disabled under the Equality Act: Has long term physical or mental health condition but day-to-day activities are not limited
Not disabled under the Equality Act: No long term physical or mental health conditions
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