Census Data

Cymru (Wales): Gender identity

Location Type: Country, ONS Geographic Code: W92000004

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Key Facts

All Residents 3,107,494
Male 1,521,004
Female 1,586,490
Households 1,347,114
Population Density (people/km2) 149.9
Table Codets078
Unit of MeasurePerson
Number of Response Options7

This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16 years and over in England and Wales by gender identity. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.


Classifies people according to the responses to the gender identity question. This question was voluntary and was only asked of people aged 16 years and over.

More information at the ONS website

Gender identity: Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over 2,559,416
Gender identity the same as sex registered at birth 2,387,304
Gender identity different from sex registered at birth but no specific identity given 4,015
Trans woman 1,888
Trans man 1,922
All other gender identities 2,445
Not answered 161,842

Bar chart not showing properly? Data with large numbers of options really needs a wider screen. Try rotating your fondleslab into landscape mode and refreshing the page.

censusdata.uk is a Good Stuff website Fri, 07 Feb 2025 10:46:55 +0000