Census Data

Redbridge: Economic activity status

Location Type: London Boroughs, ONS Geographic Code: E09000026

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Key Facts

All Residents 310,260
Male 153,331
Female 156,929
Households 103,713
Population Density (people/km2) 5,501.9
Table Codets066
Unit of MeasurePerson
Number of Response Options20

This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16 years and over in England and Wales by economic activity status. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.


People aged 16 years and over are economically active if, between 15 March and 21 March 2021, they were:

* in employment (an employee or self-employed)
* unemployed, but looking for work and could start within two weeks
* unemployed, but waiting to start a job that had been offered and accepted

It is a measure of whether or not a person was an active participant in the labour market during this period. Economically inactive are those aged 16 years and over who did not have a job between 15 March to 21 March 2021 and had not looked for work between 22 February to 21 March 2021 or could not start work within two weeks.

The census definition differs from International Labour Organization definition used on the Labour Force Survey, so estimates are not directly comparable.

Quality Statement

As Census 2021 was during a unique period of rapid change, take care when using this data for planning purposes.
Read more in our Labour market quality information for Census 2021 methodology.

Economic activity status: Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over 242,020
Economically active (excluding full-time students) 145,554
Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment 136,335
Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Employee 103,788
Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Employee: Part-time 28,248
Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Employee: Full-time 75,540
Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Self-employed with employees 6,304
Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Self-employed with employees: Part-time 1,812
Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Self-employed with employees: Full-time 4,492
Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Self-employed without employees 26,243
Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Self-employed without employees: Part-time 11,055
Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Self-employed without employees: Full-time 15,188
Economically active (excluding full-time students): Unemployed 9,219
Economically active and a full-time student 6,912
Economically active and a full-time student: In employment 5,295
Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Employee 4,333
Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Employee: Part-time 3,194
Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Employee: Full-time 1,139
Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Self-employed with employees 138
Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Self-employed with employees: Part-time 63
Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Self-employed with employees: Full-time 75
Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Self-employed without employees 824
Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Self-employed without employees: Part-time 471
Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Self-employed without employees: Full-time 353
Economically active and a full-time student: Unemployed 1,617
Economically inactive 89,554
Economically inactive: Retired 34,086
Economically inactive: Student 18,312
Economically inactive: Looking after home or family 19,490
Economically inactive: Long-term sick or disabled 7,454
Economically inactive: Other 10,212

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censusdata.uk is a Good Stuff website Wed, 22 Jan 2025 13:43:37 +0000