Census Data

England and Wales: Ethnic group (detailed)

Location Type: England and Wales, ONS Geographic Code: K04000001

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Key Facts

All Residents 59,597,542
Male 29,177,340
Female 30,420,202
Households 24,783,199
Population Density (people/km2) 394.6

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Table Codets022
Unit of MeasurePerson
Number of Response Options288

This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in England and Wales by ethnic group. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.


The ethnic group that the person completing the census feels they belong to. This could be based on their culture, family background, identity or physical appearance.

Respondents could choose one out of 19 tick-box response categories, including write-in response options.

Ethnic group (detailed): Total: All usual residents 59,597,544
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh 5,515,415
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Afghan 95,518
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: African unspecified 3,296
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: African Asian 5,553
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Anglo Indian 2,065
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Arab 5,288
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Asian British 15,638
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Bangladeshi, British Bangladeshi 644,881
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Black and Asian 1,979
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Chinese 445,619
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British 2,394
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Filipino 162,138
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Indian or British Indian 1,864,318
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Indonesian 7,344
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Iranian 39,135
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Japanese 29,510
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Kashmiri 39,268
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Korean 21,118
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Kurdish 12,290
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Malaysian 12,872
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Mauritian/Seychellois/Maldivian/Sao Tomean/St Helenian 17,285
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Mixed South Asian 6,436
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Myanmar or Burmese 7,514
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Nepali (includes Gurkha) 88,461
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Other Asian, Asian unspecified 23,362
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Other East Asian/ East Asian unspecified 14,563
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Other Middle East 14,053
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Other Mixed 7,095
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Pakistani or British Pakistani 1,587,819
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Punjabi 8,153
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Sikh 22,814
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Sinhalese 2,514
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Sri Lankan 149,239
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Taiwanese 4,222
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Tajikistani/Kazakhstani/Kyrgystani/Turkmenistani/Uzbekistani 3,661
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Tamil 45,863
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Thai 39,962
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Turkish 7,619
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Vietnamese 37,458
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Any other ethnic group 17,098
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background 1,463,775
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: African unspecified 613,547
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Angolan 5,222
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Arab 2,962
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Black British 49,486
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Cameroonian 4,164
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Cote D'Ivoire 2,880
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Democratic Republic of the Congo 24,783
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British 3,666
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Eritrean 24,812
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Ethiopian 15,104
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Gambian 4,199
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Ghanaian 112,866
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Kenyan 15,061
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Malawian 1,768
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Mauritian/Seychellois/Maldivian/Sao Tomean/St Helenian 3,290
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Mixed Black 1,608
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Moroccan 1,755
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Nigerian 271,390
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Other Black, Black unspecified 1,873
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Other Mixed 2,136
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Other North African 3,697
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Portuguese 2,074
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Sierra Leone 7,780
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Somali 150,649
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Somalilander 25,446
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: South African 7,922
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Sudanese 11,893
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Tanzanian 1,820
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Ugandan 16,593
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Zambian 2,719
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Zimbabwean 43,529
Black, Black British, Black Welsh of African background: Any other ethnic group 27,081
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background 945,499
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background: African unspecified 25,332
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background: Black and European 3,173
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background: Black British 196,379
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background: Black/African American 2,900
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background: Caribbean 622,391
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background: English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British 7,694
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background: Ghanaian 2,252
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background: Mauritian/Seychellois/Maldivian/Sao Tomean/St Helenian 2,007
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background: Mixed Black 12,290
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background: Nigerian 4,243
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background: Other Black, Black unspecified 37,502
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background: Other Mixed 2,022
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background: Polynesian/Micronesian/Melanesian 1,730
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background: Somali 6,396
Black, Black British, Black Welsh or Caribbean background: Any other ethnic group 19,188
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups 1,717,979
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: African unspecified 3,925
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: African Asian 4,071
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: African/Arab 1,924
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Anglo Indian 2,473
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Arab 7,777
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Asian (unspecified) and European 2,805
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Black and Asian 14,355
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Black and European 2,185
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Black and White (unspecified) 18,164
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Black British 2,050
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Brazilian 6,569
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Caribbean 7,579
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Caribbean Asian 7,516
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Chinese 2,871
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Chinese and other Asian 1,907
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Chinese and White 7,642
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: English 3,803
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British 11,880
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: European and Black African 3,450
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: European and Black Caribbean 2,266
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: European and North African or Middle Eastern 3,003
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: European Mixed, European unspecified, other European 26,572
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Greek Cypriot 1,968
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Hispanic or Latin American 28,064
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Indian or British Indian 3,515
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Iranian 5,364
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Italian 2,248
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Jewish 2,595
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Mauritian/Seychellois/Maldivian/Sao Tomean/St Helenian 5,741
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Mexican 2,655
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Mixed Black 4,995
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Mixed Irish 4,432
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Mixed South Asian 1,999
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Mixed White 6,389
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Moroccan 1,879
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Other Asian, Asian unspecified 2,849
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Other Middle East 3,647
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Other Mixed 107,957
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Other White, White unspecified 11,092
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Pakistani or British Pakistani 1,691
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Polynesian/Micronesian/Melanesian 4,900
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Portuguese 2,508
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: South African 1,620
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: South American 5,989
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: South Asian and European 2,965
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Spanish 1,793
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Turkish 5,149
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Turkish Cypriot 1,985
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White African 2,017
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Arab 16,359
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Asian (unspecified) 488,225
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Black African 249,596
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Black Caribbean 513,042
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and East Asian 3,111
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and North African or Middle Eastern 12,904
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and South Asian 3,886
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White Caribbean 3,077
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Any other ethnic group 54,986
White 48,699,255
White: African unspecified 2,805
White: Albanian 40,879
White: Algerian 1,776
White: Arab 3,931
White: Argentinian 2,156
White: Armenian 3,807
White: Australian/New Zealander 61,172
White: Austrian 5,825
White: Belarusian 2,522
White: Belgian 7,576
White: Bosnian 2,633
White: Brazilian 24,221
White: Bulgarian 89,546
White: Colombian 1,976
White: Cornish 43,645
White: Croatian 6,995
White: Cypriot (part not stated) 5,956
White: Czech 25,023
White: Danish 9,453
White: Dutch 23,721
White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British 44,311,393
White: Estonian 5,147
White: European Mixed 646,118
White: Finnish 7,892
White: French 78,502
White: Georgian 2,149
White: German 66,174
White: Greek 73,719
White: Greek Cypriot 29,472
White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller 63,443
White: Hispanic or Latin American 32,335
White: Hungarian 65,697
White: Iranian 7,356
White: Irish 507,465
White: Israeli 2,981
White: Italian 148,661
White: Jewish 34,105
White: Kosovan 13,145
White: Kurdish 5,091
White: Latvian 48,070
White: Lithuanian 97,217
White: Maltese 4,971
White: Mixed Irish 20,278
White: Mixed White 2,991
White: Moldovan 3,207
White: North American 82,985
White: North Macedonian 3,446
White: Norwegian 6,814
White: Other Eastern European 166,179
White: Other Middle East 6,527
White: Other Mixed 21,092
White: Other North African 3,375
White: Other Traveller 4,325
White: Other White, White unspecified 211,287
White: Polish 614,344
White: Portuguese 93,608
White: Roma 100,981
White: Romanian 342,651
White: Russian 44,662
White: Serbian 7,906
White: Slovakian 36,936
White: Slovenian 3,719
White: South African 57,648
White: South American 6,600
White: Spanish 81,150
White: Swedish 16,132
White: Swiss 7,005
White: Turkish 61,102
White: Turkish Cypriot 9,398
White: Ukrainian 16,297
White: White African 20,273
White: White and North African or Middle Eastern 2,035
White: White Caribbean 3,469
White: Zimbabwean 1,803
White: Any other ethnic group 22,309
Other ethnic group 1,255,621
Other ethnic group: Afghan 20,649
Other ethnic group: African unspecified 14,489
Other ethnic group: African Asian 2,448
Other ethnic group: Albanian 4,722
Other ethnic group: Algerian 1,774
Other ethnic group: Arab 331,844
Other ethnic group: Armenian 2,031
Other ethnic group: Asian British 2,083
Other ethnic group: Bangladeshi, British Bangladeshi 2,466
Other ethnic group: Black and Asian 1,929
Other ethnic group: Brazilian 5,786
Other ethnic group: Bulgarian 6,761
Other ethnic group: Caribbean 2,784
Other ethnic group: Caribbean Asian 3,309
Other ethnic group: Chinese 9,500
Other ethnic group: Colombian 2,102
Other ethnic group: Cornish 4,903
Other ethnic group: Cypriot (part not stated) 2,472
Other ethnic group: Czech 2,706
Other ethnic group: East Asian/ East Asian unspecified 4,719
Other ethnic group: English 2,284
Other ethnic group: English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British 4,844
Other ethnic group: European Mixed, European unspecified, other European 33,232
Other ethnic group: Filipino 13,469
Other ethnic group: Greek 3,844
Other ethnic group: Greek Cypriot 14,611
Other ethnic group: Gypsy/Romany 1,952
Other ethnic group: Hispanic or Latin American 75,674
Other ethnic group: Indian or British Indian 9,634
Other ethnic group: Iranian 54,156
Other ethnic group: Italian 4,783
Other ethnic group: Japanese 2,573
Other ethnic group: Jewish 31,284
Other ethnic group: Kashmiri 18,836
Other ethnic group: Kurdish 75,603
Other ethnic group: Lithuanian 2,164
Other ethnic group: Mauritian/Seychellois/Maldivian/Sao Tomean/St Helenian 12,994
Other ethnic group: Mexican 1,946
Other ethnic group: Moroccan 4,283
Other ethnic group: Muslim 2,969
Other ethnic group: Nepali (includes Gurkha) 15,427
Other ethnic group: North African 14,100
Other ethnic group: Other Asian, Asian unspecified 14,824
Other ethnic group: Other Eastern European 6,858
Other ethnic group: Other Middle East 19,101
Other ethnic group: Other Mixed 14,511
Other ethnic group: Other White, White unspecified 7,869
Other ethnic group: Pakistani or British Pakistani 5,229
Other ethnic group: Polish 9,901
Other ethnic group: Polynesia/Micronesia/Melanesia 5,186
Other ethnic group: Portuguese 4,935
Other ethnic group: Punjabi 8,319
Other ethnic group: Roma 1,764
Other ethnic group: Romanian 22,306
Other ethnic group: Sikh 76,535
Other ethnic group: Slovakian 6,011
Other ethnic group: Somali 11,300
Other ethnic group: Somalilander 1,840
Other ethnic group: South American 9,727
Other ethnic group: Spanish 4,037
Other ethnic group: Sri Lankan 8,120
Other ethnic group: Tamil 23,118
Other ethnic group: Thai 1,711
Other ethnic group: Turkish 55,968
Other ethnic group: Turkish Cypriot 20,093
Other ethnic group: Vietnamese 3,087
Other ethnic group: White African 2,124
Other ethnic group: Any other ethnic group 81,008

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